The lucrative field of engineering is one that has a variety of disciplines that all play an integral part in the development and growth of our society. In the many facets that comprise the world of engineering, there are certain engineering positions that provide those with the opportunity to work within the various branches of engineering. One, in particular, being design engineering. A design engineer has the very important role of designing, developing, and managing a myriad of projects within their specific engineering discipline. To be a successful and reputable design engineer, one must have superb technical knowledge, excellent mathematical skills, and creative design capabilities.
The Varied Roles of a Design Engineer
As stated earlier, the career of a design engineer is unique since they have the ability to specialize in a specific branch of engineering–even multiple if they are ambitious enough. Typically, a design engineer will specialize in the following disciplines:
- Software Engineering: Computing and software development.
- Chemical Engineering: Nuclear, medical/pharmaceuticals, petrochemical industries.
- Structural Engineering: Industrial, construction, or building services.
- Civil Engineering: Transportation and highway industries.
- Mechanical Engineering: Product manufacturing. Design of mechanical systems.
- Electrical Engineering: Energy applications, electrical system design/development.
- Aerospace Engineering: Designing and developing air and spacecrafts and their related equipment/systems.
Though vast, these are just a few of the many options a design engineer has available to them. Regardless of what they choose, it’s highly important to have the necessary mathematical and technical skills in order to excel as a design engineer. It’s also crucial for a design engineer to have a wealth of creativity, imagination, and innovation in order to create new products or update existing ones to improve functionality. An eye for detail and ample patience in the creation process is also important for design engineers to implement in their daily work. Although the job of a design engineer varies some common requirements include:
- Investigating and analyzing ways to improve new or existing projects/products.
- Create technical reports.
- Meet with clients to discuss their needs and requirements.
- Use design programs such as CAD, CAM, and CAN to better visualize projects.
- Prototyping and product testing.
- Plan and budget properly.
Of course, depending on the field they choose, their responsibilities and priorities will adjust as so.
Due to the immensely important work they do to improve our society, the need for engineers–no matter the field–will never waiver. It is our various engineers that provide us with safe transportation routes (both land and air), commercial buildings to work in, proper technology to use, clean water to drink, energy efficiency products, and so much more. With innovation being the key to the growth and prosperity of our society, the career of an engineer will continue to thrive.